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Get in touch

Office hours
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Wiesbaden Office

Weidenbornstraße 8a, 2nd floor

65189 Wiesbaden - Germany


Clay Kaserne Office

Bldg. 1046 (Troop Store), 2nd floor

65205 Wiesbaden/Erbenheim


Office: +49 (0)611 - 7901 360


Office hours

Wiesbaden Office

January - April:

MON,THU  |  09:30 - 16:30 CET

May - December:

MON - FRI  |  09:30 - 16:30 CET


Clay Kaserne Office

January - April:

TUE, WED, FRI  |  09:30 - 16:30 CET

(Appointments preferred)

May - December:

MON - FRI  |  09:30 - 16:30 CET

(Only by Appointment)


Get directions


The Wiesbaden Office is located on the 2nd floor in the bsc building.


To enter the parking lot, please ring the doorbell at the gate. Visitors parking is located behind the building on the left side.

​The gate opens automatically when exiting (please drive up close enough).


The Clay Kaserne Office is located in the building 1046 (Troop Store) on the 2nd floor, next to the Barber Shop & Beauty Salon.


Parking lots are available right in front of the building or across the street.

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