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Free inital Financial Consultation
A perfect way to see if VauntCourier is a good fit for you.
Service Description
Working with a financial advisor can be a big decision, so, a free consultation is a good way to understand where you are today, where you want to be and is just the start of a plan to get you there. By the end of our meeting, you’ll have everything you’ll need to see if VauntCourier is a good fit for you. // WHAT WE'LL DISCUSS As part of your initial consultation, together we will: • Help you understand your tax or financial situation • Review your Tax Questionnaire in preparation for filing your return • Review your Financial Assessment and offer useful suggestions for how to improve your finances • Discuss how VauntCourier can help you with your financial planning in the future There’s no cost and no small print – just an opportunity to get to know one another and see if VauntCourier is a good fit. // BRING TO THIS APPOINTMENT • Completed and printed VauntCourier "Financial Assessment" PDF (Resources >> Downloads & Links). // APPOINTMENT DURATION
Cancellation Policy
If you have to cancel or reschedule an appointment, please call or email us at least 30 min before the appointment.